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Night Of The Living Dead(or Night Of The Living Dead 90)is a wonderful Horror remake that was the directorial debut of Special Effects master Tom Savini and with a screenplay by George A. Romero(the director of the original film). Night of the Living Dead (1990), just like the original, have a very good screenplay, and show more action and scary moments with the special effects, Tom Savini's direction help, a lot too this. Watch Night of the Living Dead Online Full Free. Night of the living dead full movie with English subtitle. Night of the Living Dead. IMDb 6.9 92 min. United States Rating: 7.8 / 60 times Release: 1990-10-19 Synopsis: A remake of George Romero's 1968 black-and-white classic that begins in a cemetery, as the recently-dead return.

The first remake of Night of the Living Dead (1968), directed by Tom Savini.

Two siblings are attacked by zombies when they go to visit their mother's grave. The survivor of the duo, Barbara, makes her way to a farmhouse that starts housing others like her. However, their solace is only temporary, and they are are soon besieged by the living dead.

The film was created, in part, as an attempt to restore the copyright of the original film, but Romero and Russo also took the opportunity to improve on some of the weaker elements of the original film, and to produce a more cinematic experience. The film did poorly critically and commercially, but has gained a cult following over the years.


This film has examples of:

  • Adaptation Dye-Job: Barbara was blonde in the original and red haired in this.
  • Adaptation Name Change:
    • Downplayed with Barbra, who is now Barbara.
    • Karen Cooper's first name is changed to Sarah.
    • Minor example. It was just Judy in the original. Now it's Judy Rose.
  • Adaptation Personality Change:
    • Helen was frequently at odds with her husband in the original. Here she's more submissive to him at first, only rebelling as the film goes on.
    • Judy and Tom didn't have much personality in the original. Here they're country kids, with Judy taking on the role of a Screaming Woman more than once.
  • Adaptational Badass: The most notable change from the original is upgrading the character of Barbara from The Load into an Action Girl. Judy takes a while but gets there too. She seems to get over her trauma halfway through and calls Ben and Cooper out on their fighting. Likewise in the original she just panicked when Tom left the house and was forced to go along to the gas pump - whereas here she offers to drive to help Ben and Tom out.
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  • Adaptation Expansion: The film has improved most of the original characters' development and gave them some relevance to the plot, rather than just being a bunch of random strangers meeting up in an abandoned house. For example: Three of the characters from the original were nothing but useless and didn't manage to do a single thing while in the house other than tagging along, the reason why one of the survivors died was because one of them was only tagging along.
  • Adaptational Villainy: While Cooper was an unlikable asshole in the original, he was still willing to help the others out after some grumbling, even if his fear and anger got the better of him towards the end, and he came across more as a scared, angry man out of his wits with fear and confusion. In the remake he is an utterly loathsome and useless slimeball.
  • Big Brother Bully: Johnny. He bullies Barbara in the car on the way to the cemetery and doesn't stop when they get there. In the original he is more whiny and teasing than actually malevolent.
  • Bittersweet Ending: Barbara survives, but Ben doesn't. Harry also survives, but Barbara immediately executes him. Barbara's faith in humanity has been completely destroyed, causing her to say in regards to the dead, 'They're us. We're them, and they're us.'
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Helen (brunette), Judy Rose (blonde) and Barbara (redhead).
  • Boyish Short Hair: Barbara. What a coincidence - this is also the film where she becomes an Action Girl.
  • Brick Joke: The gas pump key is forgotten about after Tom and Judy get blown up in the original film. In here, it shows up in the cellar at the end as a final irony.
  • Car Fu: When Ben arrives to the farmhouse, the first thing that he does is to drive over a zombie.
  • Character Development:
    • Barbara starts off as the typical Screaming Woman that's commonly found in horror movies but as time goes on, she proves to be one of the more sane characters and takes a level in badass.
    • The same can be said about Judy's development.
  • Crowbar Combatant: Ben is armed with a crowbar when he gets to the farmhouse, and he uses it to beat up and impale three zombies.
  • Dangerous Windows: Even with the windows boarded up, zombies still manage to grab characters through them.
  • Darker and Edgier: The remake is much more violent and bleaker, compared to the original.
  • Death by Adaptation:
    • Johnny's and Barbara's mother. In the original it's their father's grave and their dialogue confirms that their mother is still alive. In this version it's their mother's grave but no confirmation on whether or not their father is still alive.
    • A variation with Johnny. In the original he dies at the start but later comes back as a zombie. He just dies in this at the cemetery and is found by Barbara in a corpse pile in the back of a truck.
    • A variation with the Coopers' daughter. While she dies in both films, the reanimated Karen Cooper is never seen destroyed before Ben retreats to the cellar. In the remake, the zombified Sarah Cooper is taken out by Ben after she emerges from the cellar.
  • Digital Destruction: The film has an infamous restoration that added a thick blue tint to the picture beginning around when Barbara starts running to the farmhouse. It was used for the film's limited Blu-ray release from Twilight Time in 2014, to much outcry. The studio tried to claim that the film's original cinematographer, Frank Prinzi, had approved of the transfer. However Prinzi later confirmed that while he had briefly spoken to them about what he wanted, he otherwise had nothing to do with the restoration process. Twilight Time's Blu-ray was only limited to 3,000 copies, and, despite the controversy, had become hard to find and very expensive until Umbrella Entertainment released a region free edition in Australia that became easily and cheaply available in the US, with an older transfer, but the 'correct' color timing.
  • Emergency Refuelling: The film has a group of people trapped in The Siege with the zombies outside, who have a car that could help them escape. Unfortunately the car has no fuel and the gas pump on the outside of the house is locked with key, so a significant side-plot is the frantic search for the keys to the pump's lock all over the house. Once a set of keys that may be the pump's have been found, the survivors implement a plan to refuel the car. Except the driver discovers the keys are NOT for the pump.
  • Final Girl: Barbara is the sole survivor of the besieged farmhouse. By her own hand, even: when she finds out that the cowardly Harry Cooper also made it, she shoots him on the spot.
  • Five-Man Band: The film plays with the traditional roles:
    • The Leader: Ben takes charge but it's implied taking charge is all he can actually do to stop himself from going mad. He frequently dismisses other ideas and insists everyone stick to his plans. Which it turns out, weren't good ideas at all.
    • The Lancer: Cooper is equally as stubborn as Ben and, instead of offering reasonable alternatives, insists that his way is the right one. The two of them pick fights simply because their egos won't allow them not to and other characters call them out on it.
    • The Smart Guy: Barbara. Initially falls to pieces but is able to eventually think clearly. She remains solid-minded while everyone else slowly goes mad. She suggests a plan that, if they had followed it, they wouldn't have died. In this version it's her who is the sole survivor.
    • The Big Guy: Tom. He's probably the straightest example, being fleshed out as a local country boy who can handle a gun and is able to fix up the house. He ends up doubling as The Face, often mediating between Ben and Cooper's rows.
    • The Chick: Judy Rose takes over Barbara's original role as the Screaming Woman instead of being calm and reasonable simply because she's a woman. However she reacts realistically to what's going on and becomes a little more proactive (going outside to get the gas pump keys, insisting that she drive the truck).
    • Team Mom: Helen mostly mothers her own daughter but is dominated by her husband. However she eventually resists him in the name of doing what's best for her daughter.
  • Gender Flip: Minor example. The corpse found upstairs in the house is a woman in the original, and a man in the remake.
  • The Glasses Gotta Go: After Barbara is attacked by the first zombie, she loses her glasses. Strangely she doesn't seem affected by this for the rest of the film, unless she was just using them for driving and forgot to take them off.
  • Halfempty Twoshot: Something does lunge into the frame, but from the wrong side.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Barbara says something to that extent when she notices the survivors lynching the zombies in the ending. This is also implied to have happened to Barbara herself when she shoots Harry and tells the two hicks that he's 'another body for the fire'.
    • Also implied by the photo montage at the very end of the movie: the photos of the militia hicks carrying weapons and burning zombie corpses look ghoulish indeed, repeatedly intercut with a shot of Barbara watching them, seems to ask — who are there real monsters here?
  • Improvised Weapon: Barbara beats a zombie with a fire poker.
  • Incongruously Dressed Zombie: There's a zombie of an overdosed junkie with a heroin needle still in his arm shambling around.
  • Infant Immortality: Averted. One of the zombies that approaches Barbara is a young girl, still holding her doll. Barbara can barely bring herself to shoot her and screams 'Oh God!' afterwards. And of course the Cooper daughter still becomes a zombie.
  • Irony: Ben spends the film arguing why it's better to stay upstairs while Cooper does likewise with the cellar. Ben ends up fleeing to the cellar while Cooper goes to the attic. Ben dies and Cooper lives (or at least until Barbara kills him).
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Cooper fervently insists only the cellar is safe and insists everyone get down there immediately. In the end, he was proven right: a massive horde of zombies try to get Ben in the cellar, but are unable to knock down (or even damage) the door. And they were all gone in the morning when the militia turned up to save them.
    • Naturally, that would also have led to the nasty issue of Sarah Cooper soon dying and reviving as ravenous zombie, in close proximity of all six survivors...
  • Jump Scare: Lots of them.
  • Large Ham: Cooper was already one in the original film, and becomes an even bigger one in this version. As Mike Nelson put it in his commentary, 'It's an interesting acting choice to start with inexplicable rage and just build from there.'
  • Laughing Mad: Ben as he sits dying in the cellar, once he realizes that's where the gas pump key was.
  • The Load: Almost the moment Judy Rose shows up, she takes this mantle from Barbara, who overcomes her own fear and starts kicking butt. Judy eventually gets over it and offers to drive the truck to the gas pump - as opposed to the original where she simply panicked and had to tag along because of it.
  • Meaningful Name: The farmhouse has the name 'M. Celeste', in reference to the famous Ghost ShipMary Celeste, whose crew disappeared without explanation in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • The Millstone: Harry Cooper might be one of the biggest millstones in horror movie, if not cinematic history. When he's not actively snarling or sabotaging the other survivor's efforts, he's yelling (constantly and all the time) about how stupid they are and how they're all going to fail, while offering no solutions beyond 'stay in the cellar'. He might be allowed a tiny bit of slack due to one line indicating he's scared for his injured daughter, but even with that he comes off as trying to be as disruptive as possible. One gets the sense that the overwhelming unnatural and horrible situation is causing him to condemn and interfere with the other survivor's choices in a desperate attempt to maintain control over something, ANYTHING, no matter what the consequences are.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Just like the original, one of the zombies is a nubile, naked young woman, who is shown only in one shot with the camera aimed towards her rather attractive backside. On the other hand, she appears to have been wounded or partially decayed prior to her reanimation.
  • My Car Hates Me: Tommy's and Judy Rose's quest for the gas pump is constantly hampered by the truck being unable to start in time.
    • Judy Rose has to try to turn the engine over no less than six times each occasion. It's amazing the battery didn't die.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Barbara surviving in the end could be seen as this, considering that she was meant to survive in the original.
    • When a zombified Sarah bites her mother's neck, a splatter of blood is seen hitting a nearby trowel. In the original, Karen (Sarah's counterpart), used a trowel to kill Helen.
  • Not His Sled:
    • Used twice in regards with the original film's Downer Ending. Barbara survives and so does Cooper, but Barbara shoots him dead in the ending.
    • The first attack was changed to remain surprising. In the original, the man shambling in the background is a zombie that attacks Barbara (quite a shocker in 1968). In this film, the man is an alive but deeply confused hearse driver. Then a zombie appears out of nowhere to attack Johnny.
  • Rain of Blood: After Barbara gets inside the farmhouse, she discovers that there's a corpse upstairs when blood from it starts dropping on her face. This followed by a severed hand, and then an entire zombie.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In this version, the house they find is Tom's cousin's. His uncle is the zombie that attacks Barbara and Ben, and his cousin the corpse found upstairs.
  • Remake Cameo:
    • Bill 'Chilly Billy' Cardille played a reporter in the original, and plays one here in the remake.
    • Russell Streiner who played Johnny in the original, cameos as a sheriff who says 'they're all messed up' at the end.
  • Shoot Out the Lock: When Tommy and Judy Rose reach the gas pump, Tommy tries to open its lock with keys, only to find out that they don't fit. Desperate, he shoots the lock, leading to his and Judy Rose's death in the resulting explosion from the spilled gas.
  • The Siege: Characters board the windows and doors to protect themselves from the zombies outside. Unfortunately, the noise from this lures more zombies to the scene.
  • Significant Wardrobe Shift: Barbara changing into a vest and jeans marks her getting over her trauma.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Barbara in the original is dragged off and implied to be devoured by a horde of zombies (among which, her brother is included) during the final siege. In this version, she becomes an Action Survivor.
  • Taxidermy Terror: Barbara is spooked by two stuffed animals heads, but not to the extent of the original film.
  • Title of the Dead: Like the original film.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Tommy fires a shotgun at the gas pump when he realizes that he took the wrong keys. Apparently, it doesn't occur to him that it would blow up both him and Judy Rose.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Judy Rose is heading this way before she dies. She spends most of the film as a Screaming Woman before eventually getting a hold of herself, calling out Ben and Cooper for their stupid arguing and offering to drive the truck to the gas pump, as opposed to the original where she just wandered outside and had to come along.
    • Barbara is a straight example; she, too, starts out as a Screaming Woman before buckling down and taking charge. She ends up the sole survivor.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: The dazed Hearse Driver's fate is never shown. Though given his discombobulated state, it's extremely doubtful he survived much longer, especially wandering a cemetery shown to be crawling with zombies and also had a bleeding wound on his forehead.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In the remake Judy Rose calls Ben and Cooper out on their childish arguing. Barbara also does this when Ben tells her she is losing it.
  • Zombie Gait: Lampshaded by Barbara.
    Barbara: They're so slow. We could just walk right pass them. Wouldn't even have to run.
  • Zombie Infectee: The ill Sarah Cooper dies in the basement, and becomes a zombie.


Night of the Living Dead
Directed byTom Savini
Produced by
Screenplay byGeorge A. Romero
Based onNight of the Living Dead
by George A. Romero
John A. Russo
Music byPaul McCollough
CinematographyFrank Prinzi
Edited byTom Dubensky
Distributed byColumbia Pictures
Release date
Running time
92 minutes
CountryUnited States
Budget$4.2 million[1]
Box office$5.8 million[2]

Night of the Living Dead is a 1990 American horror film directed by Tom Savini and starring Tony Todd, Patricia Tallman, and Tom Towles. It is a remake of George A. Romero's 1968 horror film of the same name. Romero rewrote the original 1968 screenplay he had originally co-authored with John A. Russo.[3][4]


Siblings Barbara and Johnny visit their mother's grave in a remote Pennsylvania cemetery. During their visit, Barbara is attacked by a zombie. Her brother comes to her defense, but is killed. Barbara flees the cemetery and discovers what at first seems to be an abandoned farmhouse. She seeks shelter there, only to find another pack of zombies. Shortly after, a man named Ben arrives, and the two clear the house of the dead and begin the process of barricading the doors and windows.

They discover other survivors who have been hiding in the cellar of the house: Harry Cooper, a selfish and argumentative husband; his wife Helen; their daughter Sarah, who was bitten by a zombie and has fallen seriously ill; and teenage lovers Tom Bitner and Judy Rose Larson. The group is divided over what their next course of action should be. Harry believes everyone should retreat to the cellar and barricade the door to wait for the authorities. Ben thinks the cellar is a 'death trap' and that they would be better served fortifying the house, which at least has alternate escape routes, and Barbara suggests that the group should simply leave the house on foot after she notices the zombies' limited mobility. An argument between Ben and Harry leaves the Coopers in the basement to tend to their ailing daughter, and the remaining members remain upstairs to continue their work reinforcing the doors and windows. The loud construction attracts even more zombies to the farmhouse, soon collecting a large mob.

The group devises a plan to escape using Ben's truck, which is out of fuel, by refueling at a locked gas pump a few hundred yards away. A search of the corpse who lived in the farmhouse produces an unknown set of keys. Judy Rose, Tom, and Ben proceed up the hill toward the gas pump, but their plan begins to unravel when Ben falls from the bed of the truck and is left to defend himself. To their horror, the key to the gas pump is not among the bunch they brought with them. When Tom shoots the lock off, the gasoline gushing forth is ignited by a burning piece of wood in the truck. The resulting explosion kills both Tom and Judy.

Ben returns to the house to find things beginning to dissolve into chaos. Harry has wrestled Barbara's gun away from her and is now armed. Unknown to the survivors upstairs, the Coopers' daughter Sarah has died from the bite on her arm and has transformed into a zombie; she attacks and bites her distraught mother, who does not defend herself. When Sarah makes her way upstairs, she triggers a shootout between her father, who is trying to protect her, and Ben and Barbara, who are trying to protect themselves. Both Ben and Harry are badly wounded; Barbara shoots Sarah. Harry retreats upstairs to the attic, while Ben makes his way to the cellar, where he shoots a reanimated Helen. Ben gradually goes into shock, and after realizing the gas key has been in the cellar the entire time, he laughs mindlessly at the irony.

Meanwhile, Barbara leaves the house alone and attempts to find help. She eventually joins a group of countryside locals who are clearing the area of the undead, and awakes the next day surrounded by the safety of the media and townspeople, led by Sheriff McClelland. Noticing hillbillies playing around with a few zombies, she comments on the similarities between the living and the undead. She returns to the farmhouse to find Ben, who died of his wounds and has been reanimated; he gazes at Barbara before being shot by McClelland. When Harry emerges from the attic alive, Barbara kills him in a fit of rage for causing Ben to die, and turns to leave the house, telling the vigilantes they have 'another one for the fire'. The film ends as Barbara watches the bodies being burned on a pyre.

Film Night Of The Living Dead 1990


  • Tony Todd as Ben
  • Patricia Tallman as Barbara
  • Tom Towles as Harry Cooper
  • McKee Anderson as Helen Cooper
  • William Butler as Tom Bitner
  • Katie Finneran as Judy Rose Larson
  • Heather Mazur as Sarah Cooper
  • Bill Moseley as Johnny
  • Russell Streiner as Sheriff McClelland


Romero said that the remake came about in part because of issues over profits of the original film. A lengthy court battle over the rights to the film, plus an oversight that caused the copyright notice not to be included, caused Romero to see little in the way of profit. Romero's production company, Image Ten, eventually won the lawsuit, but the distributor went out of business before they could collect any money. Another issue was the fact that the filmmakers were worried that someone else might make an unauthorized remake. Romero contacted Menahem Golan when he heard that 21st Century Film Corporation was interested in a remake, and Romero, Russo, and Steiner collaborated for the first time in 20 years.[1] Savini was initially hired to perform the special effects, but was persuaded to direct by Romero.[5] Savini was drawn to the remake because he was unavailable to do special effects on the original.[6]

The special-effects team intentionally kept the effects restrained, as they felt that excessive gore would be disrespectful to the original film. To keep the effects realistic, they used as inspiration a real autopsy, forensic pathology textbooks, and Nazi death camp footage. Savini said that he wanted to keep the film artistic despite his reputation as 'the king of splatter'.[1] The zombie extras were recruited easily, as the film's reputation drew them from as far away as Kentucky.[7]

The production was not easy for Savini, who described it as 'the worst nightmare of my life'. Savini said that only 40% of his ideas made it into the final film. Without Romero on set, he clashed with the producers, who did not allow him to explore his vision for the film.[6]



To avoid an NC-17 rating, Savini had to cut several scenes from the film. Savini attributed the film's lack of popularity among horror fans to these cuts.[6] A Blu-ray version was released in a limited edition of 3,000 in October 2012 by Twilight Time.[8] Australian film distributor Umbrella Entertainment released a special edition of the film featuring a restored print, alongside the 1968 original on Blu-ray in April 2016.Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page). Caryn James of The New York Times wrote, 'There was no real need to remake a film that lives on the campy cult appeal it has acquired over time. But as B-movies and remakes go, this one knows how to bring tired zombies back to life.'[9]Variety called it 'a crass bit of cinematic grave-robbing'.[10]Owen Gleiberman of Entertainment Weekly rated it D– and wrote, 'In the history of bad ideas, George Romero's decision to produce a color remake of his disturbingly frenzied 1968 zombiefest Night of the Living Dead has to rank right up there with New Coke.'[11]Kevin Thomas of the Los Angeles Times wrote, 'While this Night hasn't the chilling, almost cinema-verite credibility of the original, it is certainly a well-sustained entertainment'.[12] In The Washington Post, Richard Harrington criticized the film as a purely financial effort that lacks the shock of the original film now that zombie film tropes have become cliched.[13]Dave Kehr of the Chicago Tribune rated it three out of four stars and wrote that although Savini's direction is a bit too literal, the film 'contains some intriguing further development of the ideas of the first film, as well as some mistakes corrected and dramatic relationships tightened.'[14]

Modern criticism has been more appreciative.[15] As of 2015, Rotten Tomatoes, a review aggregator, reports that 68% of 31 surveyed critics gave the film a positive review; the average rating is 6.3/10.[16]Bloody Disgusting rated it four-and-a-half out of five stars and wrote, 'This film works on so many levels. Normally, remakes are horrible, and diverge so much from the original film. This one is so close to the original it's scary.'[17] Reviewing the Twilight Time Blu-ray, Adam Tyner of DVD Talk rated it 3.5/5 stars and wrote, 'We'll never get a chance to see the remake that Tom Savini set out to direct. Still, despite the many missteps of this severely compromised version, Night of the Living Dead manages to distinguish itself as one of the more effective horror remakes out there.'[18] Reviewing the same disc at DVD Verdict, Patrick Naugle rated it 83 out of 100 and called it 'one of the superior zombies movies available'.[19] In a retrospective at PopMatters, academic Cynthia Freeland compared the racial politics of the original film and the gender politics of the remake. Freeland concludes that the original film's depiction of Barbara makes for better cinema, and the more feminist-friendly update of Barbara is too derivative of standard 'final girl' tropes.[20]


  1. ^ abcSteigerwald, Bill (1990-08-05). 'The Zombie Movie That Won't Die : George Romero and company are remaking their classic 'Night of the Living Dead' because they've got a score to settle'. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  2. ^'Night of the Living Dead'. Box Office Mojo. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  3. ^J.C. Maçek III (2012-06-15). 'The Zombification Family Tree: Legacy of the Living Dead'. PopMatters.
  4. ^Caryn James (1990-10-19). 'The Zombies Return, in Living (or Is It Dead?) Color'. The New York Times.
  5. ^Kane 2010, p. 160.
  6. ^ abcSchultz, Gary (2003-01-14). 'An Interview with Tom Savini'. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  7. ^Kane 2010, p. 163.
  8. ^Barton, Steve (2012-09-14). 'Tom Savini's Night of the Living Dead Coming to Blu-ray'. Dread Central. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  9. ^James, Caryn (1990-10-19). 'Night of the Living Dead (1990)'. The New York Times. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  10. ^'Review: 'Night of the Living Dead''. Variety. 1990. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  11. ^Gleiberman, Owen (1990-10-26). 'Night of the Living Dead (Movie - 1990)'. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  12. ^Thomas, Kevin (1990-10-19). 'MOVIE REVIEW : Darkly Humorous Remake of 'Living Dead''. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  13. ^Harrington, Richard (1990-10-22). ''Night of the Living Dead' (R)'. The Washington Post. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  14. ^Kehr, Dave (1990-10-19). 'Reliving 'Dead''. Chicago Tribune. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  15. ^Kane 2010, p. 164.
  16. ^'Night of the Living Dead (2000)'. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  17. ^'Night of the Living Dead'. Bloody Disgusting. 2004-10-22. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  18. ^Tyner, Adam (2012-10-06). 'Night of the Living Dead (1990) (Blu-ray)'. DVD Talk. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  19. ^Naugle, Patrick (2012-10-05). 'Night of the Living Dead (1990) (Blu-ray)'. DVD Verdict. Retrieved 2015-02-08.
  20. ^Freeland, Cynthia (2008-10-29). 'Victim or Vigilante? The Case of the Two Barbras'. PopMatters. Retrieved 2015-05-11.


  • Kane, Joe (2010). Night of the Living Dead: Behind the Scenes of the Most Terrifying Zombie Movie Ever. Citadel Press. ISBN978-0-8065-3331-5.

External links[edit]

Movie Night Of The Living Dead 1990

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Night Of The Living Dead 1990 Film Youtube

  • Night of the Living Dead on IMDb
  • Night of the Living Dead at AllMovie
  • Night of the Living Dead at Rotten Tomatoes

Night Of Living Dead Cast

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