To install the Debugging Tools for Windows as a standalone tool set: Download the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) package. To debug code running on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, get the Windows 7 Debugging Tools for Windows package. Press ctrl-c (cdb, kd, ntsd) or ctrl-break (windbg) to abort symbol loads that take too long. Windows Server (Server 2008 R2 Forums are locked so you.

Active8 years ago

My server suddenly started crashing every time I debug a chunk of code on my laptop which accesses the database on the server remotely. It's done it twice now, and I've stopped trying to debug my code until I can read the memory dumps from the server and see what happened.

Anyway, that's where I'm having troubles. I've downloaded and installed the Windows SDK for WinDbg as well as the Server 2008 RTM & SP2 Retail & Checked symbols, but WinDbg still yells at me that it doesn't have the correct symbols.

So, what do I have to do to get it to read the memory dump?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

John GardeniersUpdates
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1 Answer

For dont have this kind of issues the better choice is not to download the Symbols.

Instead you can use a Symbols Server. This is a Microsoft place where they have saved the most recent symbols and if you configure it in your WinDbg will download the exact symbols that it needs on demand.`

You define your symbols insted of a local hard drive path, something like: srvf:symbolswebsymbols

Check at this link how to configue Web Symbols on WinDbg.


Ricardo PoloRicardo Polo
1,7391 gold badge14 silver badges35 bronze badges

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Active3 years ago

I need some help with my Windbg output on our Win Server 2008 R2 Standard installation. It is our mission critical production server and it crashes every 2 months or so. It's done it a couple of times already. Logs say it might be a driver, but which? who crashed says:

windbg output:

I've uploaded the minidump file here in case someone wants to view it:!113&authkey=!ADrMX0cv07mIJpg&ithint=file%2cdmp

I also have the MEMORY.DMP file in case someone would require further information. Whenever I open it in windbg it looks the same as the minidump, is there a way to see more indepth information on it?


1 Answer

Stop error 0x3B when an application changes the z-order of a window in Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1

Windows 2012

Greg AskewGreg Askew
29.9k3 gold badges38 silver badges70 bronze badges

Windows Update Repair Tool Server 2008 R2

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