Jan 18, 2017  WHILE WEND is a kind of looping statement in Qbasic Programming, it also repeats the given set of instructions again and again until the given condition is true. Syntax WHILE.

Qbasic Programs Free Download

Updated on: February 04, 2019

WHILE N0 R=N MOD 10 S=S+R N=N 10 WEND PRINT “SUM IS ”; S END SUB. Using Function Procedure: DECLARE FUNCTION SDIG(N) CLS INPUT”ENTER A NUMBER”; N PRINT “SUM IS ”; SDIG(N) END. FUNCTION SDIG(N) WHILE N0 R=N MOD 10 S=S+R N=N 10 WEND SDIG=S END FUNCTION. W rite a program to count the total words present in an input string. Qbasic address all types of users and is an awesome IDE and code interpreter. To be honest, its popularity comes from its most acclaimed feature: the ability to correct your code while you type it. To make interesting and efficient programs, you can make QBasic to execute a part of a program more than once. This is called looping, when QBasic goes through a part of a program over and over again. All these examples have the same effect: the program loops while numbers you enter are more than 0 (or, you can say - until the number you. To make interesting and efficient programs, you can make QBasic to execute a part of a program more than once. This is called looping, when QBasic goes through a part of a program over and over again. All these examples have the same effect: the program loops while numbers you enter are more than 0 (or, you can say - until the number you.

binary world image by Attila Toro from Fotolia.com

QBasic is a programming language made by Microsoft, and is based closely on the BASIC language. QBasic can produce many types of programs, including 3-D games. On step needed to program QBasic 3-D games is to call graphics routines that perform the basic 3-D transformations of movement, rotation and scaling on objects. An optional step is transforming the camera, which is the viewpoint through which the game's player sees the 3-D scene. You can use the 3-D programming skills you learn by making a 3-D QBasic game to make other graphics-intensive programs, like computer aided design applications.

Download an open source 3-D game written in another language. Example 3-D programs include Rigs of Rods and Cube 2. Studying an open source 3-D QBasic game would entail less work. However, few such programs exist.

Make printouts of all source files in the game, then manually trace through the program from its starting function to its end. Tracing through a program means to write down all variables you encounter and their values as they change from statement to statement. To help you learn how to step through a program, use a debugger for the language the game was written in. C++ debuggers are available from Open Wacom and Microsoft Visual C++ Express. Repeat this step a minimum of ten times. Completing this step will teach you how the game works, which you'll need to know before translating the game to QBasic.

Write the QBasic equivalent for each statement in the game's source. For example, the QBasic 'REM' statement is the equivalent of the C++ comment syntax '/ /'. And the 'Do While...Loop' structure in QBasic is equivalent to the Java and C++ loop structure 'for (i=0;i<n; i++) { /statements/.'.

To learn other QBasic equivalents for statements in other languages, read the syntax specification for QBasic in the documentation that came with your QBasic editor. Read also the syntax specification for the game's original language. The Java language specification is on Sun's 'Java Language Specification' page. You can read The C++ language specification on the home page of David Adams, a manager with the federal subatomic particle project ATLAS.

Run the finished QBasic translation of the original game, and fix any errors in it using your editor's debugging tools

Make small changes to the game, such as changing string and numeric constants.

Write the code for effecting larger changes, such as the appearance or behaviour of characters and obstacles.

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  • 'Elements of Programming'; Alexander Stepanov; 2009
  • binary world image by Attila Toro from Fotolia.com

The core of most modern programs, including those in the C language, is the loop. A loop gives a program the ability to repeat a group of statements, sometimes for a given count or duration, or, often, until a certain condition is met. The C language gives you many ways to create loops in your code, but the most common is the for loop.

A for loop has three parts:

  • The setup

  • The exit condition for which the loop finishes

  • The part that loops, which is the statements that are repeated

In the C language, the for loop can handle these conditions in one handy statement, which makes it easy to understand, despite how complex it looks.

There was once a time when teachers would punish students by making them write some life lesson, say “I shall refrain from calling my friends names,” on the chalkboard 100 times. The following program does the same thing on a computer screen in less than one second:

When you save the source code to disk, compile it, and run it, you get this:

And so on, for 100 lines. Here’s how it works:

The for keyword is followed by a set of parentheses. Inside the parentheses are three separate items that configure the loop. Consider the preceding for loop:

The c variable is already defined as an int (integer). It’s used by the for loop to control how many times the loop — the statements belonging to for — is repeated. First comes the setup:

The variable c is assigned the value 0. The for statement does this first, before the loop is ever repeated, and then only once.

Note that starting at 0 rather than 1 is a traditional C language thing. Zero is the “first” number. Get used to that.

Next comes the exit condition:

The loop repeats itself as long as the value of variable c is less than 100. Finally, here’s the “do this” part of the loop:

Each time the loop is repeated, the for statement executes this statement. It must be a real C language statement, one that you hope somehow manipulates the variable that’s set up in the first step. Here, the value of variable c is increased, or incremented, by one.

C program using while loop

Write A Program Using While Loop

The loop itself consists of the statements following for. These are enclosed in braces:

C Program Using While Loop

Or, since there is only one statement after for, you can eliminate the braces: