
Active6 years, 11 months ago

I have written code to compress and decompress image files using a proprietary SDK for transmission from an aircraft via satellite. Unfortunately a license must be purchased for decompression as well as compression. Until now my applications have been mostly used in-house so I can keep track of the licenses and distribution. Now I need to provide the applications for outsiders and I can neither control distribution nor want to pay for the licenses.

Does anyone know of free de-compression programs, SDKs, or libraries? I program in C++ for Windows NT, 2000, XP.

Unlike the proprietary ECW, JPEG 2000 is an open standard (ISO/IEC 15444-1); however, support for it is not yet as widespread as ECW. PLS-CADD can create JPEG 2000 files via the 'Compress' button in the Attachment Manager. ECW JPEG 2000 Compressor 7.0. Choose the most popular programs from Design & Photo software 4.0 (1 vote) Review Comments Questions & Answers Update program info. No specific info about version 7.0. Please visit the main page of ECW JPEG 2000 Compressor on Software Informer. Free Ecw Jpeg 2000 Compressor. 3/18/2017 0 Comments Quotefx is the world's most powerful RFQ Management platform, specifically created for the Electronics Industry. Four CA Regional Agritourism Summits in February & March. The University of California Small Farm Program and UC Cooperative Extension advisors in four California. Using JPEG 2000 Compressor you can easily convert pictures of JPEG and BMP format to JPEG 2000 format with the quality and color characteristics specified by you. Besides you can change the.


My image files are raw data, monochrome, with 16bit unsigned pixels and the compression that is used is lossless or very mildly lossy.

Nate LockwoodNate Lockwood
6764 gold badges11 silver badges24 bronze badges

closed as not constructive by nhahtdh, Ja͢ck, Jon Lin, martin clayton, Toon KrijtheOct 2 '12 at 7:16

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

6 Answers

It's just a thought, but the de facto standard for JPEG2000 is Kakadu because Dr. Taubman pretty much wrote the JPEG2000 standard. Although it costs some money, it is the best library that I know of.

2,3045 gold badges31 silver badges46 bronze badges

Maybe this could be a good starting point: OpenJPEG. If it doesn't meet your requirements then ask at their forum for some hints.


Some people at my university used jj2000 for various tests. However it is in Java...

15.8k2 gold badges33 silver badges61 bronze badges

Check out j2k-codec It's not free but not expensive either.

I've bought it (v1.7) myself and been using it for 4 years. Decoding is very fast, no error encountered so far.

For encoding, I use ER Mapper SDK.

Jpeg 2000 Software

I don't know how much improvements Jasper or OpenJPEG has shown these years, but those free libraries were too slow for my use. (Both encoding and decoding slow)

13.1k5 gold badges47 silver badges63 bronze badges

Magick++ is a C++ binding for ImageMagick that I think exposes ImageMagick's JPEG-2000 functionality. ImageMagick uses libjasper, which Doug mentioned. This might do the trick for you (and hopefully for me, too).

Adam HollidgeAdam Hollidge

Why would anyone tagetting the windows platform pay someone for a Jpeg library when GdiPlus does it already?

should be a good starting point. gdiplus has the 2nd best jpeg decompression speedwise (in my tests for whatever that counts for). And is distributed as an OS component with Windows 5 and up. i.e. Windows XP and greater.

If, for any reason, GdiPlus is unacceptable...

Intel used to distribute a jpeg decompression * compression library, inventively named the 'intel jepg library' or ijl. the redistributable consists of a single dll, ijl15.dll If you can find the original distribution, its licensed for free distribution and use. Intel just dont host it any more. Its been replaced with the intel performance primitives library, which does contain jpeg compression and decompression, but the per seat licensing is very fair, and again theres no limit on redistribution of the coff redistributables.

Ecw Jpeg 2000 Compressor

Chris BeckeEcw Jpeg 2000 CompressorChris Becke

Jpeg 2000 Dvr Manual

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Ecw Jpeg 2000 Compressor 7.0

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