How to: Select an Item in the Windows Forms ListView Control.; 2 minutes to read Contributors. All; In this article. This example demonstrates how to programmatically select an item in a Windows Forms ListView control. Selecting an item programmatically does not automatically change the focus to the ListView control. For this reason. Selected Listview item/subitem to textbox. How to Edit ListView Items and SubItems in Runtime. SubItems Property, ItemClick Event and ColumnClick Event of ListView Control in Visual Basic 6. Msgbox ListView1.ListItems(1). This is the snippet Multi Column ListView Edit on FreeVBCode. Version Compatibility: Visual Basic 5. Easily retrieve the subitem index and change the text from a ListView control. Windows 8/RT » XAML » Visual Basic. This example explains an easy way to edit ListView subitems. A double click on the ListView.SubItem will visualize a TextBox overlaying the SubItem with same size. If you do not have the item selected in the listview (row), you will have to step through the listviewitems collection until you find the item (row) you are looking for, and then manipulate whatever parts of it you need to. For each item in mylistview.items if item.text = 'whatoever' 'this is my item. 'manipulate it.

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19 Oct 2004CPOL
An extended ListView to allow for in-place editing of subitems using arbitrary controls as editors

Add image to subitem in listview. Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports System.Runtime.InteropServ ices Namespace OAKControls. ' Change the style of listview to accept image on subitems Dim m As New System.Windows.Forms.Messa ge m.HWnd = Me.Handle m. Edit Subitems In Listview? Nov 28, 2011. Does anyone know how you can edit the subitems of the listView in the same way as you can the items text labels (this first item in the row)? View 1 Replies ListView Change ALL Subitems? Oct 24, 2010. Okay hi in this newb question i wanta change every subitem there is in the whole field of listview.for.


While talking with one of our customers, he wanted an additional feature in one of our programs to let him drop a number of files onto our application and then modify certain properties of the resulting documents in a list.

Showing these documents in a ListView can be done easily, but editing of single properties requires a little work (since built-in ListView only allows plain editing of a ListViewItem's text). Because I didn't find anything pre-built, I decided to write my own in-place editing for ListViews, so here it is...

How It Is Done

In fact, in-place editing in a ListView isn't too much magic, but there are a few places where the plain .NET Framework classes aren't sufficient, so I had to use a little Interop.

First, you have to have a control to perform the actual editing of the SubItem. Which control you use is (almost) completely up to you. TextBox, ComboBox or DateTimePicker works fine, for example. Since this control is used only when a SubItem has been clicked, it should be invisible in the beginning.

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Then you have to find out which SubItem has been clicked. This part is quite straightforward, I've added a method GetSubItemAt() to my ListViewEx to make things a little easier.

A little twist comes from column reordering. Standard ListView allows you to rearrange its columns while in report view (AllowColumnReorder property). Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to find out the current order of your columns, so this is where Interop came in handy:

Using these declarations, you can use the LVM_GETCOLUMNORDERARRAY message to get the ListView's current column order.

The next step is to move the editor control in place and to make it visible. Once the actual editing is being performed, the user must be able to accept or reject any changes he makes, so there are a few events that have to be caught while editing.

Edit Listview Subitem In Vb6 Runtime For Windows

Usually, a click outside the editor control accepts any changes made, as does the Return key. Pressing ESC while in in-place editing mode converts back to the original SubItem text.

Because the editor control actually is not part of the ListView, I also had to look for any action that might change the size or location of the editor control. This was done overriding WndProc:

Here, scrolling and resizing of the ListView are monitored as well as changes to the ListView's column headers. If one of these messages is received, the input focus is transferred back to the ListView, thus ending in-place editing.

How to Use ListViewEx for in-place Editing

There are two ways to perform in-place editing with ListViewEx. First, you can use the new SubItemClicked event together with GetSubItemBounds() to position your editor control by yourself, or you can use StartEditing(), which performs all required calculations and control positioning by itself.

So, usually you would start by adding a ListViewEx and at least one control used as a cell editor to your Form. Don't forget to make your cell editor control invisible! Then wire up an event handler for SubItemClicked and actually start editing:

That's it!

I've included a small sample application to show you how to use ListViewEx with several different cell editors. Feel free to use the control or the source to your heart's desire and have fun!

Additional Features

Your comments gave me some hints on missing features, so meanwhile I've added an additional property DoubleClickActivation so that you can decide if the ListViewEx should enter editing mode when you click on a subitem or if a double click is required.

Another point was adding two new events (SubItemBeginEditing and SubItemEndEditing) to give the caller the possibility to control what's displayed in the editing control and what gets put back into the ListViewSubItem.
Now you're able to add a password field as a cell editor and transfer the plain password to and from the edit control without having it shown in the listview. Take a look at the sample project to see how it's done.


  • 09.04.2004
    • Initial release
  • 19.04.2004
    • Update to account for editor control and ListViewEx not sharing the same parent (thanks Eric-Paul)
    • Fixed code has been uploaded
  • 19.10.2004
    • Reviewed the whole project
    • Fixed a few bugs
    • Added new features (DoubleClickActivation, new events, higher level of control over the editing process,...

As with the TreeView control, the ListView control can be populated either at design time or at runtime. To add items at design time, click the ellipsis button next to the ListItems property in the Properties window. When the ListViewItem Collection Editor dialog box pops up, you can enter the items, including their subitems, as shown in Figure 4.30.

Click the Add button to add a new item. Each item has subitems, which you can specify as members of the SubItems collection. To add an item with three subitems, you must populate the item’s SubItems collection with the appropriate elements. Click the ellipsis button next to the SubItems property in the ListViewItem Collection Editor; the ListViewSubItem Collection Editor will appear. This dialog box is similar to the ListViewItem Collection Editor dialog box, and you can add each item’s subitems. Assuming that you have added the item called Item 1 in the ListViewItem Collection Editor, you can add these subitems: Item 1-a, Item 1-b, and Item 1-c. The first subitem (the one with zero index) is actually the main item of the control.

Figure 4.30 – ListViewItem Collection Editor Dialog Box

Notice that you can set other properties such as the color and font for each item, the check box in front of the item that indicates whether the item is selected, and the image of the item. Use this window to experiment with the appearance of the control and the placement of the items, especially in Details view because subitems are visible only in this view. Even then, you won’t see anything unless you specify headers for the columns. Note that you can add more subitems than there are columns in the control. Some of the subitems will remain invisible.

Unlike the TreeView control, the ListView control allows you to specify a different appearance for each item and each subitem. To set the appearance of the items, use the Font, BackColor, and ForeColor properties of the ListViewItem object.

Almost all ListView controls are populated at runtime. Not only that, but you should be able to add and remove items during the course of the application. The items of the ListView control are of the ListViewItem type, and they expose members that allow you to control the appearance of the items on the control. These members are as follows:

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BackColor/ForeColor properties – These properties set or return the background/foreground colors of the current item or subitem.

Checked property – This property controls the status of an item. If it’s True, the item has been selected. You can also select an item from within your code by setting its Checked property to True. The check boxes in front of each item won’t be visible unless you set the control’s ShowCheckBoxes property to True.

Font property – This property sets the font of the current item. Subitems can be displayed in a different font if you specify one by using the Font property of the corresponding subitem (see the section titled ‘‘The SubItems Collection,” later in this chapter). By default, subitems inherit the style of the basic item. To use a different style for the subitems, set the item’s UseItemStyleForSubItems property to False.

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Text property – This property indicates the caption of the current item or subitem.

SubItems collection – This property holds the subitems of a ListViewItem. To retrieve a specific subitem, use a statement such as the following:

where idx1 is the index of the item, and idx2 is the index of the desired subitem.*

To add a new subitem to the SubItems collection, use the Add method, passing the text of the subitem as an argument:

The argument of the Add method can also be a ListViewItem object. Create a ListViewItem, populate it, and then add it to the Items collection as shown here:

LI.Text='A New Item'
Li.SubItems.Add('Its second subitem')

If you want to add a subitem at a specific location, use the Insert method. The Insert method of the SubItems collection accepts two arguments: the index of the subitem before which the new subitem will be inserted, and a string or ListViewItem to be inserted:

Like the ListViewItem objects, each subitem can have its own font, which is set with the Font property.

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The items of the ListView control can be accessed through the Items property, which is a collection. As such, it exposes the standard members of a collection, which are described in the following section. Its item has a SubItems collection that contains all the subitems of the corresponding item.

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